Our Commitment to Green Manufacturing

At Tileco Inc., our commitment to environmental responsibility begins with our facility and manufacturing practices.

Tileco Inc. recognizes and understands the importance of conserving our limited supply of natural resources. In an ongoing effort to promote and take part in the Green Building movement, we have implemented a number of sustainable manufacturing practices, which will help to extend the longevity of our resources.

Solar Power

The installation of three 100 kW photovoltaic systems at our block manufacturing plants converts solar energy into electricity. By producing our own electricity on site, we reduce the need to burn fossil fuels thus decreasing air pollution and greenhouse gases created from other methods. We are planning to install additional PV units in the near future.


Waste from production, including aggregate and blocks, is crushed into sand or processed back through the manufacturing system.

In 2011, Tileco Inc. acquired a Solid Waste Management Permit which allows us to recycle used masonry blocks in our crushing operations. Concrete blocks, whether broken, remnant units, or from demolished sites are crushed into aggregate once again. By incorporating recycled materials into block, impacts resulting from extraction and processing are reduced. There are, however, requirements that must be met for acceptance of these materials.

Renewable Resources

Water necessary to run our sand washing system is reused within the system itself, rather than discharging the water into ponds.

Aggregate fines, a byproduct captured through the sand washing process, are now utilized by local farmers as agricultural lime, thus minimizing waste by diverting it away from landfills.

Manufactured Locally

Our products are manufactured here at our facility in Campbell Industrial Park. To minimize transportation and fuel consumption, we use locally sourced materials and resources whenever possible.